Garment design and pattern making is essentially a part of textile engineering, and hence its workplace is very extensive. Clothes are among the three basic needs of human being. The work of Garments Design and Pattern Making is to create the best clothes of all the world, keeping the clothes in different ways in a new way.
Garments Design & Pattern Making technology is a part of textile engineering and it deals with the application of scientific and engineering principals to the design & control of all aspects of fiber, textile and apparel processes, products and machinery. There include natural and man-made materials, designs and cuts of the dresses, Safety & health, energy conservation and waste and pollution control.
The largest sector of the total income of Bangladesh is Garments industry. The budget of many developing activities of our country is managed from the income of this sector. But there are scarcity of skilled people in this sector.
Making Bangladesh stand with uprising head among the countries of the world Global Touch Institute directed by the Technical Education Board under The Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh is teaching the students in a very practical and effective way.
In Global Touch Institute Garments Design and Pattern Making Technology is teaching students in 8 (eight) semesters with 4 (four) years duration. In this scholarship based educational system there have free books for all the students and free learning for the meritorious students.
The Admission procedure starts after the SSC results. There is mainly one session in a year. Students have to follow the admission announcement which is given by the Bangladesh Technical Education Board Authority. Usually, the admission procedure starts after May (depending on the SSC Result).
The garments industry is one of the fastest growing industry in Bangladesh. The industry plays a vital role in the country’s economy and that is well known to all. According to BGMEA report there are 5500 export oriented garments industries listed in our country employing more than 5 million of workers and officers. And most reports say that there in fact around 3600 export oriented RMG factories employing around 4 million people